Sunday, February 22, 2009

what was it like when Moses was at Mt. Nebu...

forgot to mention that our flight from Hong Kong to Amman was delayed for departure for almost 3 hours, meaning that we did not leave the Hong Kong International Airport until past midnight. The plane landed in some early hours in the morning. The local guide was good enough to have arranged a sumptuous breakfast for us to regain some stamina.

so, carrying a less than able, sleep walking torso, we arrived at Mt. Nebu.

12 hours ago we were still at the comfort of a modern day city, we did find it uneasy, from a psychological aspect, to accept the fact that we were at the place where Moses had his final day...

wild in the open, the wind was howling like mad that sank all other trivial sound, cutting us off from reality and taking us back in time...


fennymun said...

Nice to find your blog here!
Yes, it must be full of powerful impact standing on the hill and imagining what Mosses might be thinking at that particular moment of his last days in life....

an+dh said...

...40years in the wilderness