there were many pieces of scultptures worth writing about, but to do so will take months to do it, and what's better than go and visit it yourself? so we shall keep the description of the place to a minimum, and hopefully, our pictures and writings are good enough to arouse your interest at the place.
this sculpture was located near the entrance to the galerie, and with so many to see but so little time (we later found out that apart from a full ticket which allows you to go inside all the museums located on the museum island, there's also another ticket which allows you to visit the place over 3 days, which if you have the time, is definietly worth buying), we skipped the description.
but who can he be?
the eagle, and the God-like character who's chained to a rock, looking up at heaven with a sign of defiant?
who else other than the great Prometheus?
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