on stepping out of the liftcar, what was visible was none other than a faint glow of red light, subdued music of pure instrumentals broadcasting in the background. the only clue that we have reached the designated floor was thru the illuminated digital number on the call panel inside the lift.
turning our heads and checking our orientation, we noticed that all walls were painted in white, no extra inch of cosmectic decoration, the only colour was coming from the thickly woven carpet in red under our feet.
the instant we made a further step, the corridor suddenly came alive, as if inside the intestine of a gigantic dormant creature, woken up by adventurers venturing in. panels affixed to walls started to glow until the entire windowless corridor was filled with an intense crimson red.
we made our way past the corner and arrived at the door, pulling out a small, black twig from my pocket, given to us by the tall, charming blonde a moment ago, and placed it near the door handle, without touching, a click was sounded, and the little indicator lamp on the door turned from red to green.
we turned the handle and entered...
yes, the hotel we were staying for the night....
it's name?
Hotel Q!
Here are some links that I believe will be interested
Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.
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