"behold, worshippers, bow to me..."
no, this is not a religious institute but none other than another retail store for Louis Vuitton in Hong Kong. This one was actually opened a while ago, much earlier than the flagship store in Central.
Located at the Lee Garden in Causeway Bay, the facade features a double storey high of LED back lit wall through, apparently, a specially made holographic film. you just simply cannot miss it at night.
the lighting design is the result of collaborative effort of Rogier van der Heide and Steve Nield. the "wow" effect is definite, however, the interior became much of an anticlimax after seeing such powerful iconic skin.
Hi, thanks for reporting on Louis
Vuitton's Lee Gardens Store in Hong Kong. Let me just correct the credits:
Architecture: Louis Vuitton with Atelier Pacific.
Lighting Design and lighting programming: Rogier van der Heide IALD
Programming of the lightshow for the opening party: Steve Nield
Nice picture, by the way!
Rogier van der Heide
thks, Rogier, for correcting the credits.
while we see an increase in the use of LED facade lighting in the retail market, still think your work at the LV is one of the most eyecatching in the city so far.
do you have any other works in Hong Kong?
The department store Galleria in Seoul, Korea is another relevant project. I did the lighting design, together with Ben van Berkel, the architect. The facade consists out of special glass disks that are each backlit. There are plenty of pictures on the web.
Actually, the LV Causeway Bay facade has no holographic film, but three-dimensional cylindrical mirrors in between two layers of glass that have a pattern of frost that interact with the mirrors.
Thanks for the compliment!
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