while we pursue accuracy, exactness, precision in everyday life, isn't reality more of a blur? you have an impression of a certain object, but you can't exactly replicate, redraw that piece of object. as time changes, object changes, nothing ever stays unchanged through time. an impression of an item, an idea that floats in one's mind.
(Casio EX-Z40 F/3.5 1/8sec picture taken at night at the gallery cafe of Mori Building, Roppongi Hills)
density. why?
if you believe in what they taught you in chemistry, the idea that an electron, one of the fundamental element, is believed to be more of a cloud, no finite volume and best described with density, if the basis of any matters do not have a definite (exact) form, then how could anything formed by it be have an accurate form...what we see is merely a perception of resultant composition of a number of elements...
Art is an interseting subject, people think very differently when they see the "same" thing or it could be not. Art might be one very personal
emotion towards something. It might be very difficult to explain to others.
Interesting share...
I see 3 relationships, one's intensity is so strong, even the light around becomes dim. So is he better or worst??
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