Thursday, April 27, 2006

Central Police Station, Hong Kong

one of most important historical building has been declared monument, the former Central Police Station at Hollywood road.
it was the intention of the Government to convert such into a tourist spot with the proceedings help to upkeep the maintainence of this cluster of building.
if overly done, can become a very tacky place...
delicate, be extremely delicate...
whoever is going to operate this premises, why not use this chance to organize an international architecture design competition, thru the UIA or a reputable institute, use this chance to offer something the local can be proud of.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

MAM - Macau Musuem of Art - 01

If there is anything being a Hongkonger would be ashamed of when you are in Macau, other than losing all your money at the casino and cover your private parts with nothing more than a piece of IOU, it's when you stepped into the Muse de Arte de Macau.

undoubtedly a piece of world class architecture, and we are trying to find the background of the architect responsible for the design.

there are spaces which you want to explore and linger, hoping to discover new things and for illumination. and there are places you want to finish your business and leave as quick as possible. the MAM is an example of the former while the toilet and the Hong Kong Museum of Art is the classic example of the latter.

street scenes at Macau - 02

though only an hour away from Hong Kong, have only been to Macau a few times in my life. and for twice, we stayed in hotel in Taipa, 5 years apart, but scenes all changed especially at the waterfront! luckily, the area near Taipa village was largely preserved and remains a pleasant place to stroll along.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

street scenes at Macau - 01

despite the opening of new casinos one after another, there remains area where one could still find the nostalgic corners of what was once the Portugese colony.

rua dos bem casados, name of the street, roughly translated as: the street of the well-married. didn't even notice the street name while taking the photo, just thought it was a good composition then.

no doubt there were romantic stories buried in the neighbourhood.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

waterfront at Aberdeen - 02

Canon EOS 350D with EFS 18-55mm

waterfront at Aberdeen - 01

my first time in this area...never knew there is a path that can lead you so far.

photo taken with Canon EOS 350D with EFS 18-55mm

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

the weeping angel

for a great loss...
hard to say good bye?
or to pity that you have not live your life without regrets;
gifted by God, but wasted for nothing.
an inevitable destination, but it's what's happening in between that matters.

photo taken at the Happy Valley Cemetery with Minolta DIMAGE F100. good camera, good brand that has disappeared from the face of the earth

Calendar of the King - Part 1.

commonly referred as the "Tong Shing", or "Book for everything", can be bought on the newspaper stand at the beginning of each year, lunar new year, that is. from fortune telling, prophecy, picking the dates for having a haircut, or even pronunciation of some basic english words in chinese, you have it!
it was initially a book for the farmers as it accurately(apparently) forecast the weather, coming of seasons, or when is the best time to sow seed, but it later evolved into a handbook for everyday people like you and me when trying to pick a date to do certain things.
though it does not explain in depth why on a certain day certain activity must not be carried out or vice versa, i am inclined to think that such is compiled via years of observation through the intangible orders in the world we live in. you heard the famous "Butterfly Effect" on chaos and emergence, of cause and effect, the writer of this book possibly manage to notice the changes in one end on the causes side, and therefore can deduce the possible outcome at a specific time of day. in a way, it's nothing superstitious, but a rather illuminating act.
it would be interesting to see and understand the reasoning behind these deductions, and i suspect we might find out the theories on chaos, complexity, or strings, might be something the ancient chinese has stepped upon centuries ago.

on the other hand, on a lighter side, i would say this book is probably one of the best souvenir you can get if you are visiting the city, so rich of information and so unique!

btw, legend has it that the writing of this book was started by the First King of China, "Yellow King" or " Wong Dai", hence it is also sometimes referred as the Calendar of the King.

not sure if i got the translation right, pls help correct them if you know a more appropriate translation.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Homeless @ SOHO (Part 2)

said earlier would find the namecard for this place, but somehow have it misplaced, so, still can't get you the number. however, found the website for homeless, though hasn't been updated for a while, does have the telephone no. for its branch in Yaumatei. took this picture last night after having dinner in nearby restaurant. the design of the oversized doll was quite unique and definitely has the potential to become an inconic product...after some research, oops, just realise the creator for this, the wun ying collection, is a local, Carrie Chau, and apparently she has already established her name in the field of illustration and graphic design.

honestly, some very good works!