Kashan is very much a city in the desert, but it flourished mainly due to the fact that it is one of the more important oasis in the region. The contrast of the immense desert and the well taken care gardens made a stark contrast.

while research indicates that the Fin garden in its present form dated back to the Safavid period, that were sources which speculate the garden exist at an even more ancient era. The Persian Garden باغ ایرانی was an effort to create Paradise on earth, and the word "Paradise" was in fact derived from Persian.
From wikipedia, which seems believable enough:
Persian gardens "From the time of the
Achaemenid dynasty the idea of an earthly paradise spread to the
literature and languages of other cultures. The
Avestan word pairidaêza-,
Old Persian *paridaida-,
Median *paridaiza- (walled-around, i.e., a walled garden), was transliterated into
Greek paradeisoi, then rendered into the
Latin paradisus, and from there entered into European languages, e.g.,
French paradis,
German Paradies, and
English paradise. The word entered
Semitic languages as well:
Akkadian pardesu,
Hebrew pardes, and
Arabic firdaws."

There were elements which were essential to the creation of a Persian Garden. In particular to the Fin Garden, however, the presence of a well designed water feature is possibly one of the best in this category. No mechanical means were used throughout for the water fountains.